Blood infections are extremely dangerous because they can lead to sepsis if left untreated. In the United States alone, around 270,000 adults die each year from sepsis, so quick identification and treatment are critical. Learn about blood infections and go directly to Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care or call 911 if you have any symptoms.

Blood Infection Symptoms and Treatment

While most blood infections are bacterial, you can also develop an infection when viruses or fungi enter your bloodstream and spread throughout your body. Regardless of the cause, the medical term for these infections is septicemia, and many people refer to them as blood poisoning.

Your body immediately starts fighting off the bacteria, fungus, or virus causing the infection, creating symptoms that include fever, chills, weakness, sweating, and a drop in blood pressure. You don’t want to put off visiting the emergency room if you have these symptoms since the illness can quickly progress to sepsis.

Once at the emergency room, you’ll undergo a blood test to determine if you have a blood infection and the type you have. These infections are treated with antibiotics, antiviral, or antifungal medicine, depending on the cause. When treated early, you can eliminate the infection without experiencing severe complications.


Stages of Sepsis

Your immune system fights off infections, but sometimes, it goes into overdrive and responds in extreme ways, causing sepsis. When this happens, your immune system turns on your body, which can cause organ damage and other life-threatening complications.

There are three stages of sepsis, each more dangerous than the last. You enter stage one when your immune system reacts improperly to the infection. At this point, you can avoid significant complications if you start treatment.

Organ malfunction occurs during stage two, which is called severe sepsis. Eventually, your blood pressure will drop to dangerously low levels, leading to the third stage, called septic shock. Complications of septic shock include organ failure, gangrene, and death.

Symptoms of Sepsis

Don’t delay seeking medical treatment if you notice any signs of sepsis. Remember, this is a potentially fatal condition, so go to the emergency room or call 911 if you have any of the following sepsis symptoms:

  • Disorientation, confusion, or delirium
  • Fever or chills
  • High heart rate
  • Hyperventilation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Mottled skin or rash
  • Shortness of breath
  • Significant pain
  • Weak pulse

When left untreated, people can die from septic shock in 12 hours, although it takes longer for some. Even if the condition isn’t fatal, the organ damage is significant.

Sepsis Treatment

It’s essential to treat sepsis immediately before it progresses to septic shock. Mediation, such as antibiotics, is given at the first sign of sepsis. Your medical team will also take action to ensure proper blood flow to your organs to prevent additional damage. Because sepsis can damage tissue, you might require surgery as well. The surgeon can remove the damaged tissue so it doesn’t cause additional complications.

You’ll stay in the hospital when being treated for and recovering from sepsis. Some people recover within a few days and go home, but others take weeks or even months. Even after recovery, you can experience post-sepsis syndrome. This causes weakness, lack of appetite, mood disorders, and other complications. Your medical team will discuss the possible symptoms with you and help you receive appropriate treatment post-recovery.

Get Immediate Sepsis Treatment

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care is the only health system in Hamilton County offering ER and urgent care services under one roof. Unlike most ER or urgent care centers, patients are only billed for the level of services they need. The ER is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The urgent care center is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. No appointments are necessary for in-person visits; however, pre-registration is available.

Riverview Health Emergency Room Urgent Care has four convenient locations: