Back Pain Treatment

Back pain can show up in an instant, and when it does, it’s all-consuming. The pain could be due to a variety of issues, ranging from muscle sprains and strains to fractures and dislocations. Find out when you need to go to the emergency room and when you can manage the discomfort at home.

Lower Back Pain Causes

Lower back pain is the most common type of back discomfort, according to the CDC. Even though you’re not suffering alone, it doesn’t make your condition more comfortable. Fortunately, you can seek treatment to address the cause of your discomfort. Some of the most common lower back pain causes include:

  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Herniated discs
  • Muscle strains
  • Muscle sprains
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis

These are just some of the common causes. You can also develop the condition due to injury, facet joint dysfunction, and other reasons.

Woman at home suffering with pain in her back

Call 911 with These Symptoms

While you might be able to treat your condition at home, you should go to the emergency room or call 911 if you also experience:

  • Incontinence
  • Inability to stand
  • Loss of feeling in your arms, legs, anal or genital areas 
  • Inability to walk
  • Pain that is sudden and severe 

In addition, if your pain follows an injury, visit the emergency room. Without proper treatment, the condition could worsen and even become debilitating.

Back Pain Relief at Home

If you aren’t experiencing an emergency, you can get relief at home. You will need to:

  • Ice your back for 15-20 minutes at a time for 48 hours.
  • Use heat therapy for 15-20 minutes after the first 48 hours.
  • Walk to loosen the muscles.
  • Avoid staying in bed for prolonged periods.

If you do need to rest in bed, limit the amount of time you spend on it. Make a point to get up occasionally to walk so your back muscles don’t stiffen up, causing even more discomfort.

If you cannot get back pain relief at home or have severe symptoms, visit Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care. Our five locations have ER-trained physicians, nurses and other staff members, along with diagnostic equipment.

Upon arrival, we will evaluate you, run tests and diagnose your condition. Then, we can create a customized treatment plan to provide relief while also addressing the underlying condition. We can begin treatment in the ER. If your condition is chronic, you can follow up with your primary care physician or a specialist for long-term management.

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care now has four locations open in Carmel, Fishers, West Carmel/Zionsville, and Westfield Hospital.