Insect Bites and Stings Treatment

There are approximately 10 quintillion insects located around the world, according to the Smithsonian. Considering that there are fewer than 8 billion people around the globe, it’s easy to see why you get so many insect bites and stings. Most often, they are nothing but a nuisance. However, they can cause infections or severe allergic reactions, creating medical emergencies. In these cases, you need to visit the emergency room for fast treatment. Depending on the severity of the situation, this could save your life.

Signs of an Emergency

After a bite, many people spend time identifying insect bite pictures to learn more about their specific situation. However, don’t spend time on research if you have severe symptoms. Instead, go to the emergency room if you:

  • Have trouble swallowing
  • Feel dizzy
  • Are confused
  • Have trouble breathing
  • Feel faint
  • Have hives
  • Have a rapid heartbeat
  • Experience increasing pain
  • Have red streaks near the bite or sting
dad and son use mosquito spray.Spraying insect repellent on skin outdoor.

When to Call 911

If you have a severe allergic reaction, you need to act swiftly. First, use an epinephrine auto-injector if you have one. If you don’t have an EpiPen, call 911. Then, the paramedics can stabilize you on the way to the emergency room.

How are Insect Bites Treated?

The medically certified staff at Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care will quickly assess the situation and provide treatment. If you come to the emergency room due to an anaphylactic attack, your doctor might treat you with:

  • Oxygen
  • IV cortisone
  • IV antihistamines
  • Beta-agonist
  • Epinephrine

If the bite caused an abscess, the staff could drain it. Also, your doctor can write you a prescription for antibiotics if necessary.

At-Home Insect Bite Treatment

Are you dealing with a mild bite or sting? If so, you can manage your symptoms at home. Begin by cleaning the site with soap and water. Then, dry the area and apply a liberal amount of hydrocortisone ointment or calamine lotion. Both options will provide much-needed relief from itching. If the site is swollen, you can take an over-the-counter antihistamine.

You’ve likely accumulated hundreds of insect bites and stings, and most responded to at-home care. However, if you have an emergency, don’t try to handle it yourself. Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care has locations in Carmel, West Carmel/Zionsville, Fishers, Westfield and Noblesville. No appointment is necessary, so head over for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care now has four locations open in Carmel, Fishers, West Carmel/Zionsville, and Westfield Hospital.