Sprained Ankles, Wrists – Diagnosis and Treatment

Your bones are connected by strong fibrous tissue called ligaments. These ligaments are only designed to extend so far. If they go past that point, they’ll stretch and possibly tear, causing a sprain. The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) can aid in your recovery at home. However, if you have a severe sprain, you’ll need additional treatment. Evaluate your symptoms and visit Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care if you require medical care.

Sprains Vs. Strains

First, it’s important to understand the difference between sprains and strains. You sprain a ligament and strain a tendon or muscle. While you can expect some discomfort with a strain, the recovery process is generally very fast. You are unlikely to need a doctor’s help to manage your symptoms.

When Is a Sprain an Emergency?

While sprains are painful and can limit your movement, they usually aren’t medical emergencies. This is especially true when dealing with a sprained finger or a sprained toe. However, you should visit Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care if:

  • You are in intense pain.
  • You need assistance to walk.
  • The body part is deformed.

While you might think you have a sprain, these symptoms are often associated with fractures.

Go to the ER When You Have a Neck Sprain

While you might not need to rush to the ER for a basic toe or leg sprain, the same isn’t true for a neck sprain. This condition usually occurs after a sudden impact accident. The accident forces the head to move back and forth, spraining your neck. The force can also cause traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, so go to the ER if you:

  • Feel dizzy
  • Are unusually tired
  • Experience numbness in your legs or arms
  • Hear a ringing sound 

First, the emergency room staff will run tests to see if you have a head or spinal cord injury. Then, you can undergo treatment so you can start recovering from the injury.

Many people are surprised by how painful sprains can be. In fact, the pain can be more intense than you’d experience if you fractured the bone. If you need help with pain management or have significant symptoms, visit Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care. We have a full range of diagnostic equipment at our five locations throughout Hamilton County. We can diagnose sprains, fractures, and other conditions and then provide treatment. Your treatment might include supportive braces, medications, and more. Also, in the case of a severe sprain, you might require surgery.

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care now has five locations open in Carmel, Fishers, West Carmel/Zionsville, Westfield Hospital and Noblesville Hospital.