Head lice are found all over the world. In the United States, it is common among children in child care or elementary school, along with the members of their household. The estimate is that six million kids are infected each year in the country.

While they do not spread disease, head lice are contagious and annoying.

What Are the Head Lice?

A head louse is a parasite that lives on the scalp and sucks blood from there. Infection can happen from direct contact. For example, if you use a comb of someone infected, you can get it too. They cannot hop and do not have wings. They can only travel on surfaces to get from one place to another.

Some people think that having head lice is a sign of poor hygiene. That is not the case. They do not thrive more in unclean environments, and they do not carry viral diseases. Generally, they are not dangerous, but it is recommended to get treated right away to stop them from spreading.

Head Lice

Common Symptoms of Head Lice

Even if head lice are small, you can still spot them with the naked eye. The first symptom you will notice if your child is infected is constant scratching of their scalp. The saliva in their bites can be irritating, leading to scratching. Children can also complain about movement on their heads or a tingling feeling.

From there, you should check their scalp for signs of lice. Look for eggs on the hair follicles. You may also see the adult parasites. They are grayish or tan in color.

Some people suffer from mild irritation from head lice. Tiny red dots develop on the scalp. Scratching a lot can break the skin and get infected.

Head Lice Treatment

You can try to remove head lice by hand. First, wet and condition the hair to stop the insects from moving. Grab a fine-tooth comb and slowly go through every strand of the hair.

Another option for head lice treatment is to use medicine. There are creams and shampoos specifically formulated to combat the infection. They are available both over-the-counter and as prescription medication. If you plan to use an OTC product, ensure that it is safe for your child’s age.

There are instances where the head lice have developed resistance to the medication and are not affected by it. You can go to your doctor or local pharmacist to get a recommendation of what else to use. Oral medication is an option if the lice are very resistant.

head lice prevention

How to Prevent Head Lice

To prevent head lice from coming back, wash all bed linens and clothing two days before applying the treatment. Use hot water and do a hot cycle in the dryer after.

You can keep other items in a vacuum seal for two weeks to kill the remaining lice and nymphs. For combs and other personal care items, you can soak them in hot water or replace them.

Check everyone else in the house for signs of head lice. Others can already have early signs. You can even have them use the same shampoo already to prevent the infection from happening.

Teach your children to avoid head-to-head contact at school. That is a quick way to spread head lice.

When to Go to Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care for Head Lice

Getting infected with head lice is generally not dangerous and can be treated at home. However, there are cases where you need to visit Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care. If you or your kid scratch too much, the scalp can get damaged and bleed. That opens it up for bacterial infection, making things worse. If the symptoms get severe, such as developing flu, it is best to visit the nearest medical facility.

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care

Riverview Health Emergency Room & Urgent Care is the only health system in Hamilton County offering ER and urgent care services under one roof. Unlike most ER or urgent care centers, patients are only billed for the level of services they need. The ER is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The urgent care center is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. No appointments are not necessary for in-person visits; however, pre-registration is available.

Riverview Health Emergency Room Urgent Care has five convenient locations: